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  • 公司: 秉德机电设备有限公司
  • 价格: 500
  • 联系人: 范工
  • 发布时间:2024-06-05 01:42:44
  • 所在地:中山
  • 标题: 中山伊顿电磁阀DG4V3C-6C-M-U-H5-10生产厂家
  • 来源: 求购信息 >机械设备 >阀门
中山伊顿电磁阀DG4V3C-6C-M-U-H5-10生产厂家,中山秉德机电设备有限公司专业从事中山伊顿电磁阀DG4V3C-6C-M-U-H5-10生产厂家,联系人: 范工,电话:18959818758,地址:中山鲤城区江南街道明光社区展览城北路展览城二期A座3楼317室。

德国VTI Right-angled valve直角阀 handwheel,cylinder connection and outlet connection all in right-angled position to each other. K632-9x without shock absorber K632-9x with shock absorber K632-6x with shock absorber and pressure indication Cross Flow Valve交叉流阀 handwheel in line with outlet connection K632-4X valves available with the following cylinder connections: E17con/M18x1.5/25E/M25x2acc. to EN 144 outlet connection: 5/8”RH fem. acc. to EN144 for 200 and 300 bar other threads on request optional accessories: EFV,protection tube,sinterfilter safety handwheel,ratchet handwheel bursting device closing plug for outlet connection VTI automotive valves,plugs and pressure regulators for use with alternative fuel for use in busses,trucks,passengercars and storage tanks MV250 MV250L light MV260 MV250L type4 MV200 internal ventilation

gas cylinder valves cylinder connections: conical or parallel according to national/international standards with dip tube thread outlet connections: according to gas type and national/international standards K36 K44 K46 K47 K48 K49 K50 bundle valves valve inlets and outlets according to gas type K900 ZGV low pressure hoses/plugs standard lengths ready-for-use with DIN angle plug and NIST screw connector 0.5m/1.5m/3.0m/5.0m neutral-coloured or gas-specific colour-coded acc. to ISO 32 angle plug 90℃ or 120℃ execution REACH conform

德国VTI 车用电磁阀 standart external ventilation internal ventilation safety devices 车用安全装置 CE-TPRD integrated end plug endplug,middleplug pressure regulator K905-900 high flow 75kg/h -40℃ to +120℃ integrated filter solenvoid valve relief valve VTI manual valve MV260 手动阀 the MV260 is the first valve on the market with a Pi marking in combination with an integrated glass buld-TPRD(thermofuse) For CNG and new for hydrogen,nitrogen,helium and argon integrated and plug light weight,aluminium corrosion resistant,special coating save space,integrated in cylinder save assembly costs reliable glass bulb technology

德国VTI阀门 air control:gas cylinder valves for breathing protection 200 and 300 bar EFV-Excess Flow Valve溢流阀 During handing it may happen that a filled cylinder falls down and all of a sudden allows the complete cylinder contents to discharge,either via an unintentional opening or a broken-off valve.The thrust of escaping gas can cause the pressurized cylinder to propel around and in worst case injure people。 The installation of the EFV can prevent the cometimes fatal outcome of such incidents。When the cylinder contents is sudderly released the EFV reduces the flow and thereby prevents that the cylinder is propelling around,a simple but nonetheless effective solution to protect life! Inline valve 内联阀 handwheel in line with cylinder connection K36-lightweight version K632-3x with pressure indication K44 inline

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