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  • 公司: 秉德机电设备有限公司
  • 价格: 500
  • 联系人: 范工
  • 发布时间:2024-06-09 00:38:41
  • 所在地:乐山
  • 标题: 乐山saunders隔膜阀IB050F3CXB1H01哪家好
  • 来源: 求购信息 >机械设备 >阀门
乐山saunders隔膜阀IB050F3CXB1H01哪家好,乐山秉德机电设备有限公司为您提供乐山saunders隔膜阀IB050F3CXB1H01哪家好最新资讯,联系人:范工 ,电话:18959818758,请联系乐山秉德机电设备有限公司,乐山鲤城区江南街道明光社区展览城北路展览城二期A座3楼317室。

VTI TECH control gas cylinder valves for technical and aggressive gases TECH control field of application e.g.: food and beverage industry/winery gas and chemical industry/laboratory equipment chlorination plants/swimming pools etc. materials: brass stainless steel steel installation in: compressed gas cylinder and containers/drums our products are designed for our clients and respectively in close cooperation with them.They are according to national and international standards adn are approved to the latest transportable pressure equipment directive 2010/35/EC。our natified body,BAM in berlin,inspects our work as well as our products and carries out type examination tests. additionally our n-house audit service monitors the complete production and carries out first-time examinations. High quality,long lifetime and operating time,a high security standard and easy aperation-that is what our products stand for! we cooperate with our customers-amongst others gas producers and gas bottlers worldwide,cylinder testing plants,maintenance companies,chemical industry-on a basis of mutual trust. drum valves with/without flanged connection for handwheel or key operation K904-2x K904-1x

ZGV rail system rail clamp with NIST connection with flowmeter or quick connect coupling single or double version ZGV distributor plug ZGV flowmeter single or double version for neonatal applications available with 0.01l/min ERGO pico fix adjusted pressure regulator option with flow outlet AND/OR with up to 2 pressure outlets ERGO standard continuously adjustable pressure regulator ERGO maxi 2-stage pressure regulator continuously adjustable for maximum flow stability ERGO select control additional with apto-electronical flow indication ERGO line-10 years maintenance-free maximum safety easy handling high class design ERGO pressure regulators ERGO select adjustable pressure regulator 12 settings 0/0.1...max. 30l/min for neonatal applications available with 0.05l/min optional with up to 2 additional pressure outlets

德国VTI quick release valves快速释放阀 activated externally,the valve ejects the entire extinguishing agent immediately. quick release valve K633 suitable for intermittent use quick release valve K85 manual and pneumatic activation quick release valve K85-41 (pilot valve) with integrated magnetic release wheel-operated valves opened and closed by turning the wheel,the valve ejects the required amount of extinguishing agent wheel-operated valve K46 wheel-operated valve K36 valves for portable fire extinguishers by activating the valve,an intermittent flow of extinguishing agent is released. valve for portable fire extinguisher K64

德国VTI阀门 air control:gas cylinder valves for breathing protection 200 and 300 bar EFV-Excess Flow Valve溢流阀 During handing it may happen that a filled cylinder falls down and all of a sudden allows the complete cylinder contents to discharge,either via an unintentional opening or a broken-off valve.The thrust of escaping gas can cause the pressurized cylinder to propel around and in worst case injure people。 The installation of the EFV can prevent the cometimes fatal outcome of such incidents。When the cylinder contents is sudderly released the EFV reduces the flow and thereby prevents that the cylinder is propelling around,a simple but nonetheless effective solution to protect life! Inline valve 内联阀 handwheel in line with cylinder connection K36-lightweight version K632-3x with pressure indication K44 inline

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